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Moving in together? Avoid these 3 mistakes.

1.    You’re moving too fast

Couples sometimes base a decision to live together on one partner’s lease running out, or the allure of suddenly cutting rent costs in half. That’s great if you’re on the same page. But if half the couple thinks it’s a pre-engagement and the other a financial arrangement you’re in trouble.

2.     It’s the wrong apartment

In your enthusiasm to save money and de-clutter, it’s easy to think that you can make do with a smaller apartment. Be honest with each other about the space you need.  The home you share needs to feel safe, comforting and relaxing for you both.

3.    “Who’s we?”

If you continue to operate from a place of “I”, navigating home life will be much harder. Going from solo living to cohabitating may be hard, but you’re not alone. Moving in together means that you are embarking on a new adventure as a team.  Mazel tov. You’re a “we!”

Of course there are other pitfalls, but avoiding these basic mistakes is a good start towards happy domestic life as a pair.

Need some advice? Write me! You may see your question answered in a future blog post.

Be well, and love well.
