Lists: making them useful

Lists: making them useful

The checklist has become the most popular way surgical teams and busy parents alike keep on top of details. Here’s my top five list of list making tips:

1)    It's not written in stone. Ironically, being too rigid about sticking to a list can throw you off.  Allow for some flexibility- don’t make plans/time/life less efficient.

2)   You're only human. Falling short is disappointing– so when your to-dos are impossible to get done, you’re sabotaging yourself. If you choose realistic goals you’ll feel more encouraged with each item you cross off.

3)   Take a deep breath.  To-do lists by their nature intimidate some folks. Start small if a big list is overwhelming-maybe 3-5 items. If it's more anxiety provoking than helpful, maybe think about a different trick for staying on track.

4)   Stick with it. Find yourself browsing the make-up aisle at Target? Wandering off down an Etsy rabbit hole? Check the list. You wrote down what’s next! Gently remind yourself to get to it, and move your day forward.

5)   Have some fun.  Life can’t be all drudgery in service of a clean home or great kids. Fit something that makes you smile in on the list. Maybe a relaxing podcast or happy hour with a friend.

Ready to make your list? Get going!

You heard it from me.


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